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The MagnoSenzHub SMS Device

How the MagnoSenzHub sms device works 


The MagnoSenzHub receives "Oven On" and low battery alarm signals from the MagnoSenz sensors and sms them to the user /contacts.


The MagnoSenzHub also allows the user to store upto five contact mobile numbers, detelet contacts  and some few functions.  

The MagnoSenzHub is simple but contains some few security features like PIN CODE, user mobile number recognition and also keeps record of unauthorised use of the syetem by an outsider.

All the above functions are done by a simple sms and that is the beauty of this small simple SMS device.


The MagnoSenzHub is very simple to setup.  All that is required is a valid sim card and very few information from the sim card service provider e.g the sim card service number.  

The rest of the setup like adding contact numbers and doing a simple test are all done by simply sending sms to the MagnoSenzHub.


There is more information in the user manual of how to insert the sim card and what information to sms to configure the MagnoSenzHub.

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